Christmas Eve Reflections
Erin Bury took advantage of glass ice in this unusual video perspective. On Christmas eve, she and Alex Peterson sailed DNs on Lake Minnetonka in Minnesota. Watch closely!
Erin Bury took advantage of glass ice in this unusual video perspective. On Christmas eve, she and Alex Peterson sailed DNs on Lake Minnetonka in Minnesota. Watch closely!
Lawson Nelson is a young man with many interests, including ice sailing. Watch him sail in an iceboat that he built himself. I’m unsure of his location, but he’s definitely out west. Lawson, you are a true iceboater! If you see this, get in touch so we can send you a hat or t-shirt.
Tip of the Helmet: John Eisenlohr
Lawson’s Ice Sailing Videos
How to Make a Small Iceboat
Rescuing Our Iceboats in March
To help attract new ice sailors, the North American and European DN Class have introduced a world portal website,, showcasing high-quality DN videos, photos. The portal also features IDNIYRA’s common governing documents, regatta history, and rank list.
Under the Class Information menu item, the DN Specifications and Racing Rules are two pages of note to all ice sailors. The class will keep Specs pages up to date in an easier to read format than the class yearbook, adding the Interpretations to their specific Spec. The Racing Rules and their definitions are presented in more of a graphic form. is a portal to and, which will keep members informed of their specific continental affairs.
Not so fast – the Fat Lady is merely warming up. DN sailors in Bratsk, Russia, took advantage of their snowmelt and raced today.
Tip of the Helmet: Natali Burdukovskaya
A few weeks earlier in Russia, a mere 71-hour car drive east in St. Petersburg, the S8 and Monotype XV held their regatta 27-28 March 2021. “11 racers in S8 class and 4 in M-XV took part during the racing days at the end of the season in complicated racing conditions, soft spring ice and weak wind , 4-7 knots with gusts up to 8-12 knots.”
Tip of the Helmet: Andre Ivolgin
Fast forward to the 19 minute mark on this Wisconsin Public Television video for some classic footage from 2001 including Chauncy Grigg’s wing Skeeter, Ken Kreider’s pink Skeeter, and an interview with Bill Mattison.
Tip of the Helmet: Don Sanford