The State of Monona

Lake Monona, January 4, 2022

Four Lakes ice sailors have been busy sharing pictures, talking, and thinking Lake Monona ice which has come in with a beautiful freeze. This morning, there are a few goose holes, but most of the lake is glass. It needs a few days to build thickness and then the club can check conditions. Ice cam checkers will want to to keep their browser on Mendota Today for a live look at Lake Mendota.

Scout Mendota from Home

Mendota Today: North Cam Snap at 8:45 AM

Mendota Today

Would you like to scout ice from your comfortable chair? Remember to check in with the Mendota Today webcam for live views of Lake Mendota. The time lapses from the previous days are worth your time as well.

A slow-moving low-pressure system has enveloped much of Wisconsin the past day. What little snow the Four Lakes area received has melted in the ice on Mendota, as evidenced by this morning’s webcam view. However, there were reports of heavy slush on Mendota Friday. Lake Monona was a different story because its early freeze invited more snow cover. Monona has more thickness but more snow and slush. The ice is changing daily, and we are all holding our breath, hoping that sailable ice comes out of it all.


Mendota Today Live Webcam


Mendota Today Live View

Lake Mendota has 2 new live webcams situated between the Edgewater and the UW Union. The cameras are pointed west and north. Many thanks to those responsible for these high-quality views. These cameras will get plenty of looks from the ice sailing community for Mendota ice checks and iceboat watching. There’s even a Youtube channel for their “greatest hits”.
Tip of the Helmet: Grant Frautschi

Watch Mendota Melt

Though we are on the flip side of the ice watching season, here’s a live Lake Mendota web cam I’ve not seen before which originates from the birthplace of limnology in North America, the Center for Limnology at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Watch Mendota melt here. The UW liminologists also recommend watching this live underwater view of Lake Baikal here.

Geneva Lake Ice Cam

Geneva before the snow deluge.

Mary Jane Schalk alerts us to a live web cam set up at the Lake Geneva Yacht Club. What’s really cool about this one is that by clicking on the left of the image, a menu slides out with links to time-lapse images from previous days. Above is a screen shot from Monday, January 21, where you can see the beautiful sheet of ice now covered by snow.
LGYC Ice Cam